
Home Training

At Munjal Auto, training is a very important aspects of journey towards world class emphasizing the growth and development of personnels includes,

  • Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the organization.
  • Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
  • Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the company’s competitive position and improves employee morale.
  • Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs.

Munjal Auto has a full fledge training center with all convenience. Training to employees given by external & internal faculty as per time schedule. Due to various training programs we are able to achieve ……

  • Increased productivity.
  • Reduced employee turnover.
  • Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains and decreased need of supervision.



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